1st day: From Asunción (Paraguay) to Herradura (Formosa)
Arrival to Asuncion Airport and transfer to Clorinda (Formosa) - 2 hours drive to Herradura (Formosa) - check in at the lodge - dinner and night in Herradura.
Specialties: Bare-faced Curassow - Scaled Dove - Pheasant Cuckoo - Yellow-breasted Crake - Gray-breasted Crake -South American Painted-Snipe - Gray-headed Kite - Mottled Owl - Chaco Owl.
2nd day: Herradura (Formosa)
Breakfast at the lodge - boat trip on the Herradura Lagoon Paraguay River and the Cortapick and Salado creeks - lunch on the road - dinner and night in Herradura.
Specialties: Spot-backed Puffbird - Little Woodpecker - Black-legged Seriema - Peach-fronted Parakeet - Stripe-backed Antbird - Rufous Casiornis.
3rd day: Herradura (Formosa)
Breakfast at the lodge - road trip to Pirané - full day birding - dinner and night in Herradura.
Specialties: Black-capped Donacobius - Chaco Sparrow - Ultramarine Grosbeak - Boat-billed Heron.
4th day: From Herradura (Formosa) to Ituzaingó (Corrientes)
Breakfast at the lodge - early leaving to Villa Dos Trece (Formosa) and morning birdwatching - transfer to Corrientes - lunch on the road - dinner and night in Ituzaingó.
Specialties: Pale-crested Woodpecker - Cobalt-rumped Parrotlet - Olive Spinetail - Bearded Tachuri - Sharp-tailed Tyrant - Sickle-winged Nightjar.
5th day: Ituzaingó (Corrientes)
Breakfast at the lodge - full day birding at Iberá National Park - lunch in Loreto - dinner and night in Ituzaingó.
Specialties: Crested Doradito - White-rumped Monjita - White-headed Marsh Tyrant - Strange-tailed Tyrant - Ochre-breasted Pipit - Diademed Tanager - Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch - Marsh Seedeater - Chestnut Seedeater - Yellow Cardinal.
6th day: From Ituzaingó (Corrientes) to El Soberbio (Misiones)
Breakfast at the lodge - transfer to El Soberbio - birding in the local area - dinner and night in El Soberbio.
Specialties: Buff-bellied Puffbird - Rusty-breasted Nunlet - Saffron Toucanet - Spot-billed Toucanet - Helmeted Woodpecker.
7th day: El Soberbio (Misiones)
Breakfast at the lodge - road trip to San Pedro - full day birding - lunch on the road - dinner and night in El Soberbio.
Specialties: Bertoni's Antbird - Rufous Gnateater - Spotted Bamboowren - Planalto Tapaculo - Canebrake Groundcreeper - Araucaria Tit-Spinetail.
8th day: El Soberbio (Misiones)
Breakfast at the lodge - road trip to San Pedro - full day birding - lunch on the road - dinner and night in El Soberbio.
Specialties: Swallow-tailed Manakin - Red-ruffed Fruitcrow - Wing-barred Piprites - Eared Pygmy-Tyrant - Rufous-crowned Greenlet - Chestnut-bellied Euphonia.
9th day: From El Soberbio (Misiones) to Puerto Iguazú (Misiones)
Breakfast at the lodge - transfer to Puerto Iguazú - dinner and nigh in Puerto Iguazú.
Specialties: Black-fronted Piping-Guan - Spot-winged Wood-Quail - Ocellated Poorwill - Blackish Rail - Green Ibis - Black-capped Screech-Owl - Rufous-capped Motmot.
10th day: Puerto Iguazú (Misiones)
Breakfast at the lodge - morning visit to Hummingbird's Garden - dinner and night in Puerto Iguazú.
Specialties: White-throated Hummingbird - Stripe-breasted Starthroat - Violet-capped Woodnymph - Versicolored Esmerald - Gilded Hummingbird.
11th day: Puerto Iguazú (Misiones)
Breakfast at the lodge - full bird-watching day in Iguazu National Park - lunch at the park - afternoon visit to the Iguazu Falls - night in Puerto Iguazu.
Specialties: Chestnut-headed Tanager - Green-headed Tanager - Sooty Grassquit - Vinaceous-breasted Parrot - Large-tailed Antshrike - White-bearded Antshrike.
12th day: end of the trip
Breakfast at the lodge - end of the trip.
*This is a customizable tour. Contact us for more information
*Seasons: September - November & March - April