Great White Blanket of Salt
A 180 kilometers north of Córdoba Capital, is the Salinas Grandes Multiple Use Reserve, a vast territory of 200,000 hectares, which in its entirety occupies four provinces: Córdoba, La Rioja, Catamarca, and Santiago del Estero.
Over thousands of years, a tectonic fault allowed the filtration of ancient seabed, exposing hectares of minerals, among which sodium chloride predominates. The ground is swampy and the horizon infinite. Few landscapes in the world cause as much amazement and splendor to the human eye as this great portion of white land. The sunsets are impressive, as the sun flashes a mist of colors that guarantees a magical moment. If the clouds are absent, the nights are painted with endless stars, while the full moon can give you the best night of your life.
This is a very special place because it's where Salinas Monjita lives, on the border of the salty area. Like the Chaco Eagle, this is a very hard species to find, but not impossible! In fact, a couple of members of our team made the cut, so you should be the next one!